LETAL are the next generation of latin pop. It is a cooperation
between the three cuban singers Lenia Diaz-Diaz, Africa Marquez-Cardenas,
Madelin Esquime-Alfonso and the innovative electronic music producer
Holger Hiller.
They successfully connected the roots of salsa in its cuban form
with an up to date pop production. The story so far... Cuban music
has had a huge influence on european and american styles. Not only
can these influences be traced back to the mambo craze of the early
sixties in the US and the latin influences on jazz music, but even
JAMES BROWN and the invention of funk music were not imaginable
without the afro cuban foundations laid a decade earlier.
To bring this influence back to life is the aim of HOLGER HILLER.
Is it possible to create a true crossover on the basis of the afro
cuban traditions, without destroying them in the process? This is
the question, that was his starting point The other aim is to produce
in a style that departs from the ususal salsa images and moves away
from the nostalgic pictures of smiling people, palm trees and hand
rolled cigars. The choice of songs on this pop orientated album
reflects the ambigous moods of cuba today, from the emotional love
song "ya ves" to the slightly sinister "hagamos un chen" commenting
on prostitution. AZÚCAR LETAL shows that cuban music is not far
removed from european and american influenced styles. They are not
opposites. They belong together They successfully connected the
roots of salsa in its cuban form with an up to date electronic pop
production. The choice of songs on their pop orientated album reflects
the ambigous moods of cuba today, from the emotional love song "ya
ves" to the slightly sinister "hagamos un chen" commenting on prostitution.
Produced by Holger Hiller. out productions is a music production
company based in europe, dedicated to bringing the latin influence
of popular music to a new level. out productions is soly concerned
about the use of contemporary electronic and computerized music
productions techniques in use of integrating latin content of new
origin and of utilizing old recordings in the form of sampling and
digital techniques. In this sense it puts latin music into a modern
context which is traditionally the domaine of euro- american styles
such as jungle, hip hop, techno and electronically produced mainstream
pop. our projects reflect these aims. It is important for us to
extend the latin influence beyond mere use of "cuban samples" in
"dance tracks" or the nostalgic revival of an apparently "original"
sound, which is currently so often the case. We want to develope,
instead of using these influences. Therefore our idea of originality
is very differently defined from the current latin and cuban hypes.
The company was founded by the german music producer HOLGER HILLER,
who is well known for his influence on german new wave music in
the 80´s, and his albums and production works in the 90´s, published
on Britains biggest Independent label Mute Records. Together with
his team mate CHRISTIAN TRAUT, he has started this long term project
with the debut album of AZÚCAR LETAL, which was followed up with
"electrolatino!", a compilation album of various electronic production
teams around the globe, dedicated to the new latin sound. If you
are interested in our concept and if you think you can contribute
in any way, like sending your own demos, articles for our news section
etc., you are wellcome to e-mail us: outpro@hotmail.com. Demos should
be sent to...